Contributing to py-moneyed

If you would like to contribute to py-moneyed, the recommended workflow is:

  1. First raise an issue on GitHub for any proposal or idea that might be controversial and get feedback from the maintainers. If you have something that is an obvious bug (a typo in the docs, for example), you can skip this step.

  2. Fork the project and checkout your fork onto your development machine.

  3. Create a virtualenv of some kind for development (venv, virtualenv or virtualenvwrapper) and install py-moneyed into it:

    python develop
  4. Optional, but highly recommended to save time later - install pre-commit hooks:

    pip install pre-commit
    pre-commit install
  5. Create a git branch for your changes, starting from master

  6. Fix the bug or implement your changes, being sure to:

    1. Add tests and docs

    2. Run the test suite (below)

  7. Push your changes to your GitHub repo and submit a pull request.


To run the test suite, first install tox (into your virtualenv):

pip install tox

Run the tests using tox:

tox -e py310

You can run the test suite on all supported environments using tox (recommended). If you do not have all versions of Python that are used in testing, you can use pyenv to install them, and you may benefit from the additional plugin pyenv-implict.

The py-moneyed package is tested against Python 3.7 - 3.11 and PyPy 3.